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"Your choice, graduate!"

The event was organized in the form of a round table, where they had been invited: the representative Arsky Humanitarian and Technical College - Bahtiozina RR and the representative of Kazan National Research Technological University - NS Skvortsova also to fully clarify the picture of the population acted as director of the Center Employment Employment Arsk district - Nizamova Gulfia Gusmanovna. The main participants of the round table were students in grades 9 ASOSH №2 and grammar school №5.
To date, the guys who are going to continue their education outside of the school, worried about two things: the successful passing of examinations and the selection of the institution. Many young people are in a state of uncertainty, so the library staff, together with the professional educational institutions of the city began to Arsk information work with students in grades 9. The event was organized in order to familiarize with the activities of these institutions.
Leading children informed on the classification of types of occupations by Klimov. Thus, the roundtable participants identified the type of their future profession.
In the second part of the meeting theme was developed by "prestige, not to demand." To clarify the full picture in this direction in the conversation including the Director of the Center of employment of the population - Nizamova GG Students listened to useful information about the sought-after specialties and made its findings on the matter. The children also received answers to their questions:
1) What kind of assistance can expect young specialists from the state?
2) What is the target direction?
3) Does the organization Provides assistance in finding employment in the summer school vacation time?
In the third part of the representatives of educational institutions in detail told about the specialties and the rules of entering into these schools.
Further, leading members distracted from serious conversations and further acquaintance with professions proposed to continue in the form of a game. In the competition "Profslovar" on a set of thematic words, the guys determined type of activity and its type.
The final part of the librarian noticed the guys on the corner of business information, "Our education - the path to a successful career." The material served as the participants with valuable information.
At the end, the guys did a total and found for myself a rule that the profession should be fun, and ensure the implementation of their capacity.