Центральная библиотека

"Book of my youth"

Anyone can write a review about read in youth work, which left a lasting impression in their minds. The winners will receive commemorative gifts, and most good works will be published in the local newspaper.
The contest is held from February 1 to October 1, 2016. The last day of work - 30th September. Works can be sent to e-mail and postal address of the library to mark "the contest read reviews of the book" Book of my youth. " Detailed information can be found on the library website and VKontakte.
Our address:
422000, Republic of Tatarstan
g.Arsk Street. Banking, d. 2a
E-mail: Arsk.CB@tatar.ru
Website: https: //kitap.tatar.ru
Tel .: 8 (84366) 3-21-78