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"All different, all equal"

Find out what is tolerance, participate in contests related to this concept the students came 2 "D" course Arsky College of Education. G.Tukaya.
Many students learned what tolerance only at the event, but this did not prevent them to actively participate in competitions.
First, the principle of fair toss of 29 people were selected 15, which were distributed to 5 people for 3 teams. In the first task participants had to give the name of the team, to draw a logo and come up with the motto of the team in the spirit of tolerance. The guys deal with it quickly and well.
Team name:
1. "well-wishers"
2. "The World"
3. "friendly."
The objective of the second task was to determine the understanding of tolerance for each member in particular and in the team. With this no problems.
The third contest supposed to show everyone intolerant situation and tell tolerant solutions.
The fourth competition of the guys have written a declaration of tolerance of students of pedagogical college, which was to consist of 5 points. And this task they coped very well.
At the end, the jury announced the results of the winners of the game and was the team of "well-wishers", respectively 2nd place was the team of "The World" and 3rd place went to the team "friendly." All three teams were awarded valuable gifts.
Throughout the event, students listened very attentively and with interest the leading perform all tasks.