Центральная библиотека

"Studying - Save"

In order to prove to the children that the garbage is becoming a monster of civilization, leading led some statistics and recorded them on a map of the world in the form of garbage cans. The objective of both teams is to purify the world. Answering the questions of competition, the participants collected "garbage" from the Earth's surface. To prove themselves competent party, the boys needed knowledge of chemistry, biology and ecology, and in the contest of eloquence, "What can I do?" The participants expressed their views on environmental issues, shared their views and opinions. With each competition the guys not only brilliantly made, but also to learn a lot of new and interesting things from this area. After the end of the contest jury summed up. The winners and most active participants were awarded with memorable gifts. The main purpose of the event - to bring children to the common idea that the Earth with its biosphere - the greatest miracle of the universe, that life without garbage starts from the yard of your house, streets, school grounds, classrooms and corridors. Tomorrow will be the Earth as we create it today. Judging by the game, the guys realize what is happening and came to this conclusion: reviewing environmental rollers are seriously thinking about the ecological state of the planet, and thus the purpose of the event is achieved.