Центральная библиотека

"The library - the heart of the information society"

September 29, 2016 in Arsk central library was library-lesson workshop for students of the Academy of Social Education "Library - the heart of the information society."
The librarian told the students the story of the Central Library of activities, exhibitions, activities of clubs. Conducted a review of new newspapers and magazines, as well as get acquainted with the possibilities of modern information library.
In the reading room passed familiarity with bibliographic fund. It was held business game "Search for words and concepts in the dictionaries and encyclopedias."
Also, the students worked with library catalogs and card indexes: alphabetic, systematic and local history. With their help, they were looking for their own necessary books and articles.
At the end of the event within a month of anti-extremism campaign for the children was carried out "Tolerance - the road to peace."