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Meeting with famous poetess Olga Poltoretskoy "From heart to heart"

August 22 at the Central Library Arsk met "Heart to Heart" Russian poet Olga Poltoretskoy with residents of Arsk. poetry collections of poems, "The happiness on earth" There have been presented. At the meeting sounded poems about the war, about love, about patriotism. Poems of the modern family issues, the nature of versification, poetry, born of extraordinary beauty of the Kama region and the Volga region became the perfect gift for lovers of belles-lettres of our city. Participants in the evening, members of the literary circle "Kaur kalәm" who works at the Central Library ARSK were very pleased with the content and warm meeting for many years. Everyone was curious to meet with such a creative and multifaceted personality like Olga, they listened spellbound poems, reflections of the poet, asked questions.

At the end of the evening Olga was handed a letter of thanks of the Central Library and a bouquet of flowers from the poetry lovers