Ново-Кинерская детская библиотека - филиал № 3

"Tabigatne saklamasaң nor kalyr bu җirdә"

         June 16 in the library was a literary and ekologik evening "Tabigatne saklamasaң nor kalyr җirdә bu", where students from the school camp were invited.

         The purpose of this action: to expand and deepen the ecological culture of children; to create conditions to encourage children with attention and care to treat nature, all living things.

         Librarians have reviewed the book exhibition "Inês, kүllәr, elgalar", where were presented literature devoted to mother nature.

         Also, students were introduced to periodicals on ecology "flutes", "azure", "Svirelka". The children were presented literature writers of the native nature, animals and birds of our region.