Ново-Кинерская детская библиотека - филиал № 3

“Халкым исән чакта яшәр Тукай, Һәр татарның йөрәк түрендә”

7 April, on the stage Novokinerskogo recreation, together with a children's library and cultural workers home was a literary and musical evening dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the great Tatar poet G. Tukai.
The purpose of this event - an evening in memory of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai, inculcation of love and respect for the native language and the works of Gabdulla Tukai.
On this evening the students of secondary school 2 Mukhametshin Lily, Salihzyanova Suyumbika, Khusainova Ayzilya and Khusainova Zalina recite verses G.Tukaya. Students of Class 3 Valiullina Azalea and Ismagilov Anisa read the poet's poem "The Kid and The Moth". Students of grade 5 Husainov Fanil, Askhadullin Rafil Sungatullin Adil and presented in the form of an excerpt from a theatrical fairy tale "Shurale". As well as the event made his poem student 6 Class Ilmir Khakimov, who received his second degree in poetry contest in Ashitbashskoy school.
All participants received another batch of positive and enlarged knowledge about the work of a favorite poet.