Ново-Кинерская детская библиотека - филиал № 3

"Tukai in our hearts"

This year marks 130 years since the birth of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai. In connection with this event in our library regularly hosts a variety of activities. March 14 literary quiz "Tukai bezneң yөrәklәrdә" was held in the library.
The objectives of this event through a variety of techniques to help children remember the name and the content of fairy tales and poetry Gabdulla Tukai, bring the joy of meeting with these works of art. Foster love and interest in fairy tales and poems Tatar poet G. Tukai; develop curiosity, interest in teaching children broaden their horizons.
At the beginning of the event, students again met with the biography of the poet, with his immortal works. Also, a review of a book exhibition "- Ruhi kyyblabyz Tukai" was held. Then guys answer the quiz questions on the works of G. Tukai.
Over the years, we are deeply aware of the value of creativity and greatness Tukai personality.
This event was aimed at familiarizing with the works of G. Tukai, increasing readership children culture. After all, in his works, you can find answers to many questions today. Gabdulla Tukai - not only a great poet, a symbol of the history and fate of the Tatar people.