Ново-Кинерская детская библиотека - филиал № 3

“Җырдай моңлы туган телем”

On February 19, the library was held an hour of poetry "Җyrday moңly Tugan Telem" dedicated to the 21 February - International Mother Language Day. The event was attended by students of Grade 2.
Objective: To acquaint the children with the "International Mother Language Day". Post a concept that is the native language, and why it is called the mother. To develop in children the curiosity and interest in the language. To bring respect and love for the mother tongue and other languages.
Language - is our daily life, our lives, history, culture. Native Word helps to live, to know yourself and others. Without language there will be people. Therefore, your native language needs to be protected - to study, develop, enrich it. The event was announced sayings, proverbs and riddles about the native language. Students with a great desire to read poems in the Tatar language. The whole event was accompanied by a slide show. a review of a book exhibition "Tugan Sөylәshәbez tellәrdә" was produced in the library.