Ново-Кишитская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

Shoo kunak җyya bogeyman

That's the long-awaited and beloved New Year holiday - a holiday fairy tale and magic, a holiday that brings miracles and gifts, new hope and faith in the best light and that will certainly happen in the coming year. New Year looking forward to it long and carefully prepared. December 31 at the House of Culture took place New Year's performance "Shoo kunak җyya bogeyman." Guests came from the city, from the forest of dereven.Tam and "honored artists, storytellers, circus ..." Festival accompanied by rousing songs, music, dances, jokes and fun contests. Were presented entertaining games, interesting competitions, surprises, prizy.Prazdnik passed in the same breath, he lifted the mood of all the guests who heartily rejoice. A reward holiday guests received prizes, and loud applause.