

Drug addiction: the journey there without back

The exhibition - the invitation to "a drug addict: the journey there without back" is designed for high school students and young people of the village. Its purpose to warn about the dangers of rising popkoleniya nartkotikov.

Location: Ново-Кинерская сельская библиотека - филиал № 2 им. Т. Миннуллина

" Yaңa kitap achsaң - yaңa dөnya acharsyң "

The exhibition - an invitation is intended for all categories of readers . The exhibition aims : to familiarize readers with the new arrivals ; attracting new readers .

Location: Ново-Кинерская сельская библиотека - филиал № 2 им. Т. Миннуллина

"Hulk isәn chakta yashәr Tukai , Һәr tatarnyң yөrәk tүrendә "

April 7 at the House of Culture will host a literary - musical evening dedicated to the memory and the 130 th anniversary of the great Tatar poet , novelist , playwright , translator , journalist , patriot and fighter Gabdulla Tukai .

Location: Ново-Кинерская сельская библиотека - филиал № 2 им. Т. Миннуллина