Казанбашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 15

Behr sүz җitә cache җanyn dәvalarga

Within the decade of disabled students Kazanbashskoy school held a literary evening. Students at the party spoke about the purpose of the day, a decade of persons with disabilities, that is done for them in the country.
People with disabilities - it is mostly people strong in spirit. With the presentation the students acquainted with the composer, a singer, an artist, who in spite of everything, delighted us with their creativity. Separately talked about athletes of the Paralympics.
There are strong people and in literature. Students are once again reminded of the life and work of Ostrovsky, D. Sagirova, Sharipov, F. Yarullina, our compatriot R. Muhamedzyanova. Their work is worthy of our admiration and pride.
So we urged readers to be closer to people with disabilities, because they make us appreciate what we have - health, urged always to be kinder, more compassionate and attentive.